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What Increased of greenhouse Effect Mean for Us

Increased greenhouse gases directly increase the heat on the planet’s surface and lower atmosphere. This has a rippling effect as it can thin and even create holes in the ozone layer. This means that other radiation like ultra violet (UV) rays can seep in from the Sun.

What this eventually means for life on Earth is that it will have to adapt to increasing temperatures. We already know that life is very adaptive, but we don’t know for how long the ozone will continue to be depleted or at what rate. More heat means more fossil fuels will be burnt to cool down the heat. The burning of these fossil fuels will again produce more greenhouse gases and affect the environment adversely.

Many scientists believe that global warming and increased greenhouse effect are simply part of a global cycle. It seems like Earth goes through these cycles every so often of warming and then cooling. It is very difficult to determine what effect man-made gases have on the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect when so much of naturally occurring systems cause numerous effects themselves.

If the Earth does not go into a cooling cycle within the next few hundred years, it is possible that life on Earth might be very difficult for the generations to come. Increase in heat and radiation may make going outside difficult or dangerous during the daytime. These increased energies could also affect entire ecosystem. If plants and animals cannot adapt quickly enough, we might see entire species becoming extinct from thermal changes alone.

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